Pan - it takes pounding to make and pounding to play. The steelpan
is the only acoustic instrument invented in the 20th century,
and it was invented right here in sweet "T & T".
The steelpan orchestra as it exists in Trinidad & Tobago is
an impressive one. Consisting of up to 120 players, and over 400
steel drums, the sound is huge, intense and pounds the blood.
Panorama is the ultimate test of steelpan virtuoso. Months of
rehearsal culminate in merely eight minutes of intense
performance on the Queen's Park Savannah stage. Eight bands
picked over 3 weeks from over 20 aspirants. This is it!
"Panorama 2005 - From De Panyard to de Big Yard" goes inside
the communities, inside the yards to bring viewers and listeners
to the heart of the pan. All the ambiance, the camaraderie, all
the pure musical talent is exposed for the first time on DVD!
With performances by some of the top steel bands:
- Petrotrin Phase II Pan Groove
- CLICO Sforza
- Sagicor Exodus
- BP Renegades
- Excellent Stores Silver Stars
- Neal & Massy Trinidad All Stars
- Arima Angel Harps
- WITCO Desperadoes
- TCL Group Skiffle Bunch
- RBTT Redemption Sound Setters
- BWIA Invaders
- NLCB Buccaneers
- Sangre Grande Cordettes
- Carib Tokyo
- HCL Valley Harps
- Parry's Pan School
Panorama 2005
From De Panyard to De Big Yard
 eCaroh Price: $24.95