Conference on the Caribbean:
Washington DC: June 19-21, 2007
Download complete
agenda here
Diaspora Forum Venue:
Organisation of American States, Hall of the Americas
Round Table Discussion Moderator:
Dr. Edward Greene, Assistant SG, Human and Social Development,
CARICOM Secretariat
Mr. E. Leopold Edwards, NCOCA:
Proposal for the establishment of a Centre (a Think-Tank) for
research and policy recommendations on issues affecting Caribbean-US
relations and the Caribbean Diaspora.
Mr. Chris Gardiner, CPAC:
Proposal for conversion of the existing regional
Caribbean-American Political Action Committee into a National
Political Action Committee.
Mr. Glenn Joseph, Institute of Caribbean Studies:
Presentation of statement with recommendations from 28th April
2007 visioning conference.
Dr. Cardinal Warde, MIT:
Presentation – The Role and Challenge of developing a Foundation
for Science and Technology.
Venues of the Conference on the Caribbean

World Bank Group Headquarters
1818 H Street NW Washington, DC 20433
(closest metro: Farragut West - Orange Line )
Inter-American Development Bank (IADB)
1300 New York Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20577
(closest metro: Metro Center - Red Line)
Organization of American States
17th Street and Constitution Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20006
(closest metro: Farragut West - Orange Line) |